Saturday, October 17, 2009

Sunday, August 16, 2009

The Absolute WORST (and easiest, if not possibly the most popular) Way to Prepare Students for the NJ ASK Test:

1. Only use the textbook for your lessons…no manipulatives, calculators, technology, etc.

2. Divide the number of pages in the book by 180 (the approximate number of school days.

3. Teach that number of pages per day.

4. Write the objectives and lesson plan based on the pages you are on.

5. If someone asks, search through the Core Curriculum Content Standards to see if there is a
possible alignment with the lesson.

Five Secrets for Increasing Student Achievement BEFORE Creating Lessons

Secret # 1:
The textbook is a tool, not a curriculum.
Texas and California buy the most books
The number one priority for textbook sales is textbook sales, not state standards.

Secret # 2:
Teaching how to test is a waste of valuable learning time (though often necessary)…
…but teaching to the test is a good thing.

Secret # 3:
Student achievement will increase when you think like the test-makers.

ETS & Riverside create the tests by using the NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards to guide them.
Therefore, if you teach to the test, you are teaching to the NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards…at least for now…National Standards are coming!

Secret # 4:
Teach to the NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards and the test will take care of itself.

Secret # 5:
A good teaching plan (curriculum map) will improve test scores.

Mapping Your Curriculum

Think of your 5 favorite mathematics lessons

Add these 5 lessons first, if they align to the core curriculum content standards

Know the standards (and CPIs) that you need to teach at your grade level

Fill in lessons for 80% of the days between September and April. Eighty percent (80%) allows you to expect the unexpected...assemblies, fire drills, snow days, etc.

Put the lessons in a sensible sequence, preferably by units

Put those that don’t make the top list in May or June

Put the rest on an “if-there’s-time” list

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Internet Resources for Teachers

Internet Resources for TeachersBrain Pop
Short animation movies on math topics

Flashcards for Kids
Basic online practice

Fun Mathematics lessons by Cynthia Lanius
Math lessons on topics like ratio, fraction, and graphs

National Council for Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM)
Math principles and standards, FAQ’s and links to other resources

The Math Forum
Math problems of the week, Dr. Math to receive and answers, math lessons K-12+

PBS Mathline
Online math lessons and activities organized by grade level and category

Go Math
Everything math-Ask an expert, homework help, calculators, converters, test prep. Put in topic and get a list of resources.

Everything math-power point presentations, videos, interactive lessons, and quizzes

Mathematical Resources
An online catalog of Internet site organized into categories: lesson plans K-12, software, newsgroups, and listservs

A+ Math
Math flashcard creator, math game, homework helper

Math Forum from Drexel University
Resources, materials, person-to-person interactions, educational services and products

Math goodies
Math lesson, homework help, worksheets, puzzles that meet NCTM standards

Math Stories
2,000+ math word problems for grades 1-5, with answers provided

Word Problems for Kids
Single step and multiple step word problems based on real world dilemmas, grades 5-12

Math Teacher Link
Online classroom resources for algebra, geometry, calculus and probability

Fun Brain
An interactive site with problem solving to play math baseball and car racing, K-8

Algebra Story and Word Problems
Problem solving in all subjects that use mathematics for problem solving: algebra, physics, chemistry, K-Grad school

Learning Open
Instructional strategies that achieve high levels of student learning on average. Uses pre and post measures to assess student achievement.

Free Algebra Tutor
Various word problems

Lessons to motivate underachievers
What math teachers can do to interest and motivate learners?

Ask Mr. Calculus
Help with calculus, trigonometry, geometry and algebra. Sample AP Calculus problems and solutions

Educational REALMS
Lesson plans and links about Science, Mathematics and Environmental Education

Figure This!
Funded by the National Science Foundation and the U.S. Department of Education, this site is a series of fun problem solving challenges

Bamdad’s Comics
This site offers comics that help break the ice when introducing a new topic

High School Math
High school hub-Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, and Calculus

Math League
Educational math contests, problem books and math software

Web cast Matrix
Explore webcasts in math for grades k-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12 or adult

Tessellation tutor

Technology for teaching
Everything for education

Polyhedra and manipulatives
A site for regular, three-dimensional polyhedra

Mathematics-teaching related sites
American Mathematical Society list of mathematics related virtual exhibits
A list of websites for teaching various topics in mathematics

American Math Society
An index from the NCTM of software reviews and related columns

The New Math
From a symposium at the Center for Science, Mathematics, and Engineering, 1997. Includes educational reform movements including New Math
Technology in mathematics education: Internet Resources

NCTM Math Standards
Principles and standards for school mathematics

Math League
Online math contests with solutions, grades 5-12

Interactive Math
Tools and activities for number and operations, Algebra, Geometry and Measurement, and Data Analysis and Probability

Brain Teasers
Weekly brain teaser math puzzles

An NCTM site devoted to providing Internet resources to improve the teaching and learning of mathematics in grades PK-12

Saturday, July 11, 2009

15 Goals for Everyday Math

Number and Numeration
Understand the meanings, uses, and representations of numbers
Understand equivalent names for numbers
Understand common numerical relations
Operations and Computation
Compute accurately
Make reasonable estimates
Understand meanings of operations
Data and Chance
Select and create appropriate graphical representations of collected or given data
Analyze and interpret data
Understand and apply basic concepts of probability
Measurement and Reference Frames
Understand the systems and process of measurement; use appropriate techniques, tools, units, and formulas in making measurements
Use and understand reference frames
Investigate characteristics and properties of two- and three- dimensional geometric shapes
Apply transformations and symmetry in geometric situations
Patterns, Functions, and Algebra
Understand patterns and functions
Use algebraic notation to represent and analyze situations and structures

Where the Good Hands-on Resources Can Be Found

South Jersey Academy of Teaching and Learning:
Math Illuminations, Math Webquests, and Shared Lesson Plans:
Internet Resources:

The Futures Channel (movies!):

Wendy Sawatzky’s Web Page:

Janine’s Math Page

Thousands of Hands-on Lesson Plans